We have been focused on getting onto the CL (Cathode Luminescence) instrument this week. After Sorena giving us a couple of great tutorials on it showing us the properties of Jade, and Tim Rose vitally helping us track down some samples to use with a final push from Cathe we were armed with some specks of rocks and minerals to start our adventure and spent a couple of days working the instrument, capturing some images and trying out some animation techniques. We now need to put our minds to it and make the most of having this opportunity which has come together from the generosity of many, and produce some interesting sequences. It's been great exploring the parameters of the instrument and bringing these rocks and minerals back to life. Here's a couple of images from our sessions so far.....

We've also done a couple more talks this week (which can be a bit of a diversion especially when you add in the holiday Colombus day on Monday eating into the week) but they we're both enjoyable and quite different experiences, one at the National Academy of Sciences introducing them to our work and another today at the Hirshhorn Museum presenting what we've been doing on our fellowship, showing some of the photographs and filming we've been doing and generally sharing our experiences. It's going to become a podcast and we'll post a link to it here when it appears.